
4/2(土) 10:00 ~



6/4入場券 ¥ 7,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
6/5入場券 ¥ 7,000(税別)
通し入場券 ¥ 13,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪


6/4駐車券 ¥ 2,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
6/5駐車券 ¥ 2,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
通し駐車券 ¥ 3,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
通し入場券(¥13,000) × 人数分 + 通し駐車券 1枚(¥3,000)
2人セット 3人セット 4人セット
通し入場券(¥13,000) × 人数分 + 通し駐車券 1枚(¥3,000)
2人セット ¥29,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
3人セット ¥42,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
4人セット ¥55,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪

また、それに伴いMOON STAGEのLIVEも鑑賞できませんのでご注意ください。




チャージ料金 車1台に1人の場合 ¥2,000(税込)
車1台に2人の場合 ¥1,000(税込)
車1台に3人以上  ¥0

※子供も人数に入ります。 ※チャージ料金は当日現地でお支払い下さい。





★1日目の夜はキャンプインのお客様限定のMoon Stageライブもあり♪

※Moon Stageライブにはオートステイエリアにお泊まりのお客様もご参加頂けます。

通しキャンプ入場券 ¥ 14,000(税別)


通しキャンプ入場券(¥14,000) × 人数分 + オート券 1枚(¥6,000)
2人セット 3人セット 4人セット
通しキャンプ入場券(¥14,000) × 人数分 + オート券 1枚(¥6,000)
2人セット ¥34,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
3人セット ¥48,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
4人セット ¥62,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
通しキャンプ入場券(¥14,000) × 人数分 + テント券 1枚(¥4,000) + 通し駐車券 1枚(¥3,000)
2人セット 3人セット 4人セット
★P無し★ 通しキャンプ入場券(¥14,000) × 人数分 + テント券 1枚(¥4,000)
2人セット 3人セット 4人セット
通しキャンプ入場券(¥14,000) × 人数分 + テント券 1枚(¥4,000) + 通し駐車券 1枚(¥3,000)
2人セット ¥35,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
3人セット ¥49,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
4人セット ¥63,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
★P無し★ 通しキャンプ入場券(¥14,000) × 人数分 + テント券 1枚(¥4,000)
2人セット ¥32,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
3人セット ¥46,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
4人セット ¥60,000(税別)THANKS SOLD OUT♪






キャンプエリア使用期間:6月4日 9:00〜6月5日 17:00まで


  • テントを張る場合は「テント券」が必要になります。「グリーンキャンプセット」をご購入下さい。
  • 「テント券」一枚につき一区画(4m×4m)のスペースをご利用頂けます。
  • 「テント券」はテントを張るスペースを確保するための物であり、テント自体はご自身でご用意下さい。テントのレンタル等はしておりません。(オート券も同様)
  • 薪や炭の使用はご遠慮下さい。調理等を楽しむ場合はガス式のストーブやコンロ等の器具をご使用下さい。
  • 会場内の芝生は公園の人達が大切に管理している芝生です。 芝生を痛めないための工夫・気遣いを各自お願いします。
    • テントを張る際のペグはあまり太いモノを使わず、必要最低限の本数で設置して下さい。
    • 熱のあるモノを直接芝生の上に置くと、芝生が焦げてしまう恐れがありますので、十分に注意して下さい。
    • 直火はご遠慮願います。


  • オートキャンプをするには「オート券」が必要となります。「オートステイセット」をご購入下さい。
  • 「オート券」一枚につき一区画(6m×5m)のスペースをご利用頂けます。(テントを張る事も可)
  • エリア内での車の移動は必ず徐行でお願いします。
  • 直火はご遠慮願います。



出来るだけ多くの人が会場駐車場をご利用頂けるよう、なるべく乗り合いでお越し下さい。 車一台につき乗車人数が2人以下でチャージ金が発生します。 少人数でお越しの場合は、電車と無料シャトルバスのご利用を奨励させて頂ます。皆様のご理解とご協力をお願いします。

チャージ料金 車1台に1人の場合 ¥2,000(税込)
車1台に2人の場合 ¥1,000(税込)
車1台に3人以上  ¥0

※子供も人数に入ります。 ※チャージ料金は当日現地でお支払い下さい。





  • 自分達で出したゴミは各自で持ち帰りましょう。ゴミ袋の用意を忘れずに!


  • 各キャンプエリアに設置された水場/トイレは「みんなが使う場所」という事を理解し、キレイに使いましょう。
  • 水場は手洗い、洗面、歯磨き用です。 BBQや調理、食事で使った食器を洗う際は、残飯などの汚れを拭き取ってからご利用下さい。
  • 石けん、洗剤などは、なるべく化学薬品の入っていない物の使用をお願いします。


  • キャンプエリアでは予め引かれたテント区画の線を目安にテントを張って下さい。 場所の共有など、近隣の人と相談し、仲良く楽しく行って下さい。
  • 子供連れも沢山います。深夜は静かにすごしましょう。
  • 飲食物の持ち込みはキャンプエリアのみOKです。ステージのあるメインエリアへは持ち込みは禁止されておりますのでご注意ください。
  • 周りの人たちとお互いに尊重し合い、ハッピーなキャンプをお楽しみ下さい。自然と公園へのリスペクトも忘れずに。



お願い&約束 必ずお読みください。


ご家族での参加は大歓迎です。但し、お子様からは目を離さず、保護者様が責任を持って同行して下さい! ※迷子の問題など最小限にとどめるため、当日受付にて「保護責任者の署名」を実施します。予めご了承下さい。



  • 天災、荒天候の場合を除き雨天でも開催します。なお、公演途中の中止、出演者のキャンセル、変更等の場合のチケットの払い戻しは一切行いませんので、予めご了承ください。
  • 紛失・盗難・病気・ケガ・事故などについての救済活動は行いますが、責任・賠償保証については一切行えません。
  • 他のお客様の迷惑となる 方、スタッフの指示に従わない方は強制退場とさせていただきます。
  • 花火などの火薬類、危険物、その他法律で禁止されている物の持ち込みはご遠慮ください。
  • 入場券は会場入り口にてリストバンドと交換いたします。なお、紛失の場合はいかなる理由があっても、再発行はいたしませんのでご注意ください。

【ローソンチケット】 Lコード:40604


Start of All Ticket Sales!

4/2(SAT) 10:00 –

Starting from 10:00am, all tickets go on sale on LAWSON ticket machines.
The shown price of all tickets do not include tax.

*Please beware that there is a limit to the number of tickets and some ticket types may sell out quicker than others.
*There is a possibility of tickets being sold on the day of, at the venue. We will be announcing information on that at a later time.

Patrons who will not be staying over night, or will be using non-related accommodations (Non-campers)

6/4 One Day Ticket ¥ 7,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
6/5 One Day Ticket ¥ 7,000 (plus tax)
Two Day Pass Ticket ¥ 13,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪

*Middle School students and below are FREE (must be chaperoned by parent or legal-guardian)

6/4 One Day Parking Ticket ¥ 2,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
6/5 One Day Parking Ticket ¥ 2,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
Two Day Pass Parking Ticket ¥ 3,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
Parking Ticket Sets
Two Day Pass Ticket (¥13,000) × Amount of people + 1 Ticket for Two Day Pass Parking (¥3,000)
Two Person Set Three Person Set Four Person Set
¥29,000 (plus tax) ¥42,000 (plus tax) ¥55,000 (plus tax)
Parking Ticket Sets
Two Day Pass Ticket (¥13,000) × Amount of people + 1 Ticket for Two Day Pass Parking (¥3,000)
Two Person Set ¥29,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
Three Person Set ¥42,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
Four Person Set ¥55,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪


Regarding difference in costs for number of passengers

In order to most effectively use the parking spaces we kindly ask that you car pool. When there are less than two people per car, you will be charged a fee for parking. We strongly recommend that if you will be attending in small numbers that you use train and shuttle bus. We humbly ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Parking Costs One person per car, ¥2,000 (tax included)
Two people per car, ¥1,000 (tax included)
Three or more people per car, FREE

*Children are included in count. *Please pay parking costs upon arrival.

Please be sure to fully read the “We humbly ask you to respect the following” page and “Precautions” page before purchasing tickets.

For Those staying overnight

*When entering the Camp Area, you will need your ‘Two Day Pass Camping Ticket’
*In order to set up tent, you will need a ‘Tent Ticket’ and in order to auto camp you will need a ‘Auto Ticket’
*If you plan to auto camp (one vehicle) you will NOT need a ‘Parking Ticket’

Area Map

On the first night, there will be a special Moon Stage performance only for campers♪
Chill out to an acoustic concert while enjoying the relaxing ambience of the camp site♪

*Auto Stay patronsare also privileged to view the Moon Stage performances

Two Day Pass Camping Ticket ¥ 14,000 (plus tax)

This ‘Two Day Pass Camping Ticket’ includes entrance into the main event and camp area.

(*Sale of the ‘Green Camp Set without Parking’ has been discontinued from this year)

Auto Stay Set (Auto Stay Area)
Two Day Pass Camping Ticket (¥14,000) × Amount of People + 1 Auto Ticket (¥6,000)
Two Person Set Three Person Set Four Person Set
¥34,000 (plus tax) ¥48,000 (plus tax) ¥62,000 (plus tax)
Auto Stay Set
(Auto Stay Area)
Two Day Pass Camping Ticket (¥14,000) × Amount of People + 1 Auto Ticket (¥6,000)
Two Person Set ¥34,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
Three Person Set ¥48,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
Four Person Set ¥62,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪


Green Camp Set (Green Camp Area)
Two Day Pass Camping Ticket (¥14,000) × Amount of people + 1 Tent Ticket (¥4,000) + 1 Ticket for Two Day Pass Parking (¥3,000)
Two Person Set Three Person Set Four Person Set
¥35,000 (plus tax) ¥49,000 (plus tax) ¥63,000 (plus tax)
Green Camp Set
(Green Camp Area)
Two Day Pass Camping Ticket (¥14,000) × Amount of people + 1 Tent Ticket (¥4,000) + 1 Ticket for Two Day Pass Parking (¥3,000)
Two Person Set ¥35,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
Three Person Set ¥49,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪
Four Person Set ¥63,000 (plus tax)THANKS SOLD OUT♪


*There will be no individual sales of ‘Tent Ticket’ and/or ‘Auto Ticket’
*As described below, the Parking ticket and Tent ticket for ‘Green Camp Set’ will be issued together as one ticket



Regarding Camp Area

Use of Camp Area: June 4th, from 9:00 ~ June 5th, 17:00

[Green Camp]

  • When setting up a tent, you will need a ‘Tent Ticket’. Please purchase a ‘Green Camp Set Ticket’.
  • You will be allowed to use one square of tent space (4m×4m), for every ’Tent Ticket’ you purchase.
  • A ‘Tent Ticket’ is your way to ensure a space for setting up your own tent and does not mean a tent will be provided. (Same goes for Auto Camp)
  • Please refrain from using fire wood and coal. If you plan to cook, be sure to use gas stoves or other cooking range equipment.
  • The grass at the event is managed by the lovely park staff. Please take highest precautions so as not to damage the lawn.
    For example:
    • When setting your tent try not to use thick pegs and try to use as few as possible.
    • There is danger of burning the grass if you directly place heated objects on the lawn. Please be careful.
    • Please refrain from starting open fires on the ground.

[Auto Stay]

  • When using the Auto Camp area you will need an ‘Auto Ticket’. Please Purchase an ‘Auto Stay Set’
  • You will be allowed to use one rectangular space (6m×5m) for every ‘Auto Ticket’ you purchase. (You may set up a tent as well)
  • Be sure to drive at a crawling pace when moving inside the camping area.
  • Please refrain from starting open fires on the ground.


Regarding difference in costs for number of passengers

In order to most effectively use the parking spaces we kindly ask that you car pool. When there are less than two people per car, you will be charged a fee for parking. We strongly recommend that if you will be attending in small numbers that you use train and shuttle bus. We humbly ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Parking Costs One person per car, ¥2,000 (tax included)
Two people per car, ¥1,000 (tax included)
Three or more people per car, FREE

*Children are included in count. *Please pay parking costs upon arrival.


Regarding all CAMPING

~Leave with things looking more beautiful then when you arrived~

Take your own trash home with you!

  • Please take the waste of what you brought home with you. Don’t forget a trash bag!

Keep sinks and toilets clean!

  • Please understand that the sinks and toilets equipped in each camping area is “there for everyone to use.” Let’s keep them clean!
  • The sinks are for washing face and hands and brushing teeth. Before you wash BBQ sets, cooking ware and dishes used for meals, please make sure to dispose of any leftover food scraps that may remain.
  • When using soap and or detergent, we would love it if you used products that do not contain harmful pharmaceutical chemicals.

Let’s all get along and stay beautiful at heart♪

  • Please set tents in the camping area according to the prearranged lines set by our staff. Space sharing and talking it over with neighbors is the best way to become friends.
  • There are many families as well. Please keep the noise down late at night.
  • Food and drinks are OK only in the camping area. Please do not bring anything into the Main Area where the stages are.
  • Please be respectful to others and enjoy your happy camp life. Oh yes, respect for nature too.


We humbly ask you to respect the following

Food and Drinks are prohibited inside the venues Main Area

For those taking part with children
We warmly welcome and greatly appreciate family participation, however we must emphasize that you keep children in eye sight at all times and remember that all responsibility lies in the hands of parents/guardians!
* In order to keep lost children to an absolute minimum, we will be keeping a list of parent/guardian names at the entrance and we ask for your understanding and cooperation.

List of Precautions

  • Unless graced by natural disaster or just plain horrifically dangerous storms, we plan to go on with the show even in the rain. Keep in mind though, that in case of unavoidable cancelations of performances, cancellations made by artists or any other changes, there will be absolutely no refunding of money.
  • Though we will attend to and help take care to the best of our ability, there will be no responsibility taken, nor assurance given on behalf of the organizers regarding any type of loss of personal items, theft, sickness, injuries or accidents.
  • Patrons who cause too much trouble for others and those who refuse to follow guidelines given by staff will be removed from the premises.
  • Explosives such as firecrackers and other dangerous and/or illegal objects will not be allowed on the premises.
  • Tickets will be exchanged for wrist bands at the venue entrance. Please keep in mind that, regardless of reason, there will be no reissuing of wrist bands in case of loss.

[LAWSON Ticket machine] L Code: 40604

All Ticket Sales