もともとキャンプ場ではない吉田公園を、頂 -ITADAKI-開催期間中だけ特別にキャンプエリアとして使用させて頂きます。
今年も「GREEN CAMP AREA」のあった場所で、地震による津波から吉田公園の利用者を守るための避難施設、「命山」の整備工事が行われています。
それにより「GREEN CAMP AREA」の面積が少なくなり、レイアウトが大きく変更になります。
従来より一区画を広めに設定(6m×5m)され、車を使ってステイできる(テントを張る事も可能)「AUTO STAY AREA」の大規模な拡大を行いました。
詳しくは下記の詳細をご確認のうえ、GREEN CAMP AREA、AUTO STAY AREAのチケット購入をご検討ください!
会場内の芝生は公園の人達が大切に管理している芝生です。 芝生を痛めないための工夫・気遣いを各自お願いします。
面積を拡大し、広々とステイできる様になった「AUTO STAY AREA」のご利用をお勧めします。
OPEN 8:30
CLOSE 4日24:30/5日22:30
時間外の車の出し入れはご遠慮下さい。 また、時間内でも場内事故を避ける為、極力お控え下さい。
ご家族での参加は大歓迎です。但し、お子様からは目を離さず、保護者様が責任を持って同行して下さい! ※迷子の問題など最小限にとどめるため、当日受付にて「保護責任者の署名」を実施します。予めご了承下さい。
Although YOSHIDA PARK is certainly not a camp site, it has been permitted to be used as such during the duration of 頂 -ITADAKI- .
let’s be sure to respect each other and have an amazing time camping!
Continuing from last year, the INOCHI YAMA [Mountains of Life] Tsunami Evacuation Structures built to save the lives of YOSHIDA PARK users in the case of tsunamis triggered by large scale earthquakes, have undergone further construction which has affected the layout of Yoshida Park, the GREEN CAMP AREA that we have been using until last year, in particular.
Therefore, 頂 -ITADAKI- recommends guests to use the AUTO STAY AREA, which has expanded in size (6mx5m), and also permits car parking.
When setting up a tent, you will need a ‘Tent Ticket’. Please purchase a ‘Green Camp Set Ticket’.
You will be allowed to use one square of tent space (4m×4m), for every ’Tent Ticket’ you purchase.
A ‘Tent Ticket’ is your way to ensure a space for setting up your own tent and does not mean a tent will be provided. (Same goes for Auto Camp) Please refrain from using fire wood and coal. If you plan to cook, be sure to use gas stoves or other cooking range equipment.
The grass at the event is managed by the lovely park staff. Please take highest precautions so as not to damage the lawn.
For example:
Since the ground of this area is gravel and not dirt, we recommend using metal pegs instead of plastic ones to hold down tents.
Please keep in mind that in this area it’s rather difficult to take out pegs that are too thick when it’s pack up time.
There is a hot bath house ‘YU YU NO SATO’ within one minute of walking distance from the venue.
OPEN 8:30
CLOSE 24:30 on the 4th / 22:30 on the5th
Please refrain from coming and going after closing hours. Since it raises the chance of accidents, please keep coming and going to a minimum, even during open hours.
Be careful not to leave your lights on.
You are also able to sleep in your car, just try not to keep the engine going.
Use of Camp Area: June 4th, from 9:00 ~ June 5th, 17:00
~Leave with things looking more beautiful then when you arrived~
Food and Drinks are prohibited inside the venues Main Area
For those taking part with children
We warmly welcome and greatly appreciate family participation, however we must emphasize that you keep children in eye sight at all times and remember that all responsibility lies in the hands of parents/guardians!
* In order to keep lost children to an absolute minimum, we will be keeping a list of parent/guardian names at the entrance and we ask for your understanding and cooperation.