
AUTO STAY AREA イメージ写真のご紹介♪
A bit of an image of what the AUTO STAY AREA will be like.


さて、今日は先日Blogでもご紹介したAUTO STAY AREA(オートステイ エリア)のイメージ写真をご紹介♪



BBQ台を使えば薪や炭の使用がOKなので、自由度の比較的高いオートステイ エリアをD.I.Y.に楽しんでください!

ただ、広さと自由度が魅力のAUTO STAY AREAの地面は、草も生えていますが基本的には砕石です。場所により土と比べると固いので、テントを張る際のペグはプラスチックではなく金属製のペグの使用をお勧めします。

キャンプインをする(グリーンキャンプ、オートステイを利用して宿泊する方のみ)が体感できる、土曜の夜のお楽しみ人気ステージ『MOON STAGE -Midnight Landing-』では、「ピタゴラスイッチ」など、テレビやラジオでもお馴染みのインストバンド「栗コーダーカルテット」の二人と、カーペンターズ級のエヴァーグリーンな演奏で人気のアコースティックユニット「ビューティフルハミングバード」の2組のアーティストが頂 -ITADAKI-のスペシャルユニットとして出演。

さらに、天性のスモーキーな歌声で聴く人の心を引き寄せる福岡発の19歳、藤原さくらも出演します!(ドラマ「学校のカイダン」の挿入歌として使用された楽曲「Just one girl」で彼女の歌声を聴いた人も多いはず。)

グリーンキャンプ & オートステイの利用者のマナーとグッドバイブスが頂 -ITADAKI-の大きな魅力の一つです。



頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 チケットページ:

Spring rain covered YOSHIDA park today in a fine mist.

And now, like we did in the blog the other day, we would like to present some photographs to give you an idea of what the AUTO STAY AREA will be like.
The size of each space has been increased this year to a 6mx5m area!


As you can see even after parking your car and pitching your tent in the 6mx5m spot, there is still plenty of room for tables and chairs, even more so than last year. It’s perfect for families!

It’s even a good idea to ditch the tent and put up a big tarp to enjoy the space with friends instead.
And since it’s ok to use firewood and charcoal as long as you have BBQ equipment this AUTO STAY AREA gives you relatively free range to enjoy some D.I.Y.!

The only thing is, this open and free AUTO STAY AREA is mostly hard earth and pebbles and not grass.
Since it is harder than the other fields, we recommend using metal pegs instead of plastic. Also, using thick pegs makes it harder to take out when it comes time to pack up so please be careful.

At the MOON STAGE -Midnight Landing-, a special treat only those camping in (GREEN CAMP, and AUTO STAY AREA) can experience, we have two from the KURICORDER QUARTET, known for their song on the TV show PITAGORASWITCH, and the acoustic duo who are just as “evergreen” as the Carpenters, BEAUTIFUL HUMMINGBIRD, coming together to give your a special unit performance only viewable at 頂 -ITADAKI-.

Also, FUJIWARA SAKURA, the 19 year old from Fukuoka with the naturally smoke voice will be capturing the hearts of everyone. (Her song Just One Girl, chosen for the TV show Gakkou No Kaidan’s them song has been heard by many.)

The amazing manner and good vibes of the people staying in the GREEN CAMP and AUTO STAY AREAs are also a charm point of 頂 -ITADAKI-.

This is sure to be a weekend full of happy feelings, good manners and peaceful moments.

Since there will be such a diverse array of music goers camping here, we kindly remind you to keep up the generosity and just enjoy the happy time shared by everyone!

The TICKET PAGE for 頂 -ITADAKI- 2015:


救護ボランティアスタッフ 募集終了のお知らせ。
Announcing the end of Emergency Volunteer Staff.


また、頂 -ITADAKI- 2015の【運営、会場設営・運営、ワークショップ手伝い等のボランティアスタッフ】は


頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 ボランティアスタッフ募集:

Since we have reached the limit of our Emergency Volunteer Staff we will
not be accepting any more volunteers.
Thank you all for your overwhelming applications and cooperation!

Also, we are still accepting volunteers to help with operation, venue
construction/operation and workshops, though there are only a few
remaining positions. *We will also be ending applications as soon as we
reach our limits. Thanks for understanding.

Would you like to help make these two days of music a happy memory and
experience for the guests, performers and all others involved?

Check the site below for further information.
頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 Looking to Recruit VOLUNTEER Staff :


4/4(土)~ 全種類チケット一般販売開始!
4/4(SAT)~ Start of All Ticket Sales!


午前10:00~より ローソンチケットにて販売を開始します。

もともとキャンプ場ではない吉田公園を、頂 -ITADAKI-開催期間中だけ


今年は、昨年まで「GREEN CAMP AREA」のあった場所で、

それにより「GREEN CAMP AREA」の面積が少なくなり、レイアウトが大きく変更になります。

また、従来より一区画を広めに設定(6m×5m)され、車を使ってステイできる(テントを張る事も可能)「AUTO STAY AREA」の大規模な拡大を行います。

詳しくは下記の詳細をご確認のうえ、GREEN CAMP AREA、AUTO STAY AREAのチケット購入をご検討ください!

頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 チケットページ:


頂 -ITADAKI- 2015開催までいよいよあと約2か月!


Before the fourth Artist Line Up, a special annoucement!
4/4 (Sat) All General Tickets​ Open!!
Starting from 10:00am, all tickets go on sale on LAWSON ticket machines.

The CAMP AREA has changed this year.
Although YOSHIDA PARK is certainly not a camp site, it has been permitted to be used as such during the duration of 頂 -ITADAKI- .

The changed layout put aside, let’s be sure to respect each other and have an amazing time camping!

Also, this year, the INOCHI YAMA [Mountains of Life] Tsunami Evacuation Structures built to save the lives of YOSHIDA PARK users in the case of tsunamis triggered by large scale earthquakes, have undergone further construction which has affected the layout of Yoshida Park, the GREEN CAMP AREA that we have been using until last year, in particular.

Therefore, 頂 -ITADAKI- recommends guests to use the AUTO STAY AREA, which has expanded in size (6mx5m), and also permits car parking.

​For further information continue reading below and consider purchasing a GREEN CAMP AREA or AUTO STAY AREA TICKET.​

頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 TICKET Page:

​Since we forcast GREEN CAMP TICKETS and AUTO STAY TICKETS to sell out faster than previous years. We recommend being ready to make purchases from the time windows open at 10:00 am.
(There is possibility of selling of further tickets after that, but there is a general limit and ticket windows will be closed once they’ve been reached)​

​There are officially two​ months left until ​頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 !​

​The most epoch two days of music, sun, wind and lush green!
It’s time to go barefoot and let the music take control!


頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 第三弾出演アーティスト発表!& ビジュアル公開!
頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 Third Artist Line​ Up AND Visual Artist Announcement!


頂 -ITADAKI- 2015の第三弾発表出演アーティストを発表します!

更に、このタイミングで頂 -ITADAKI- 2015のオフィシャルアートビジュアルも公開!

第三弾発表出演アーティストは、06年に「世界の10人のクリエイター」に、09年には「世界が尊敬する日本人100人」にも選ばれた音楽家、高木正勝が頂 -ITADAKI-で初お披露目となるバンドセットでの登場!!


さらに、頂 -ITADAKI-だけのお楽しみ!言わずと知れたジャパニーズ・レゲエのパイオニア PJのバンドセットに今回フィーチャリングするのは、One&Onlyな歌声で昨年も会場全体を元気にさせてくれたLeyona、 静岡から世界に発信を続けるレゲエシーンの草分けPAPA U-Gee、そして大ヒット曲「Lifetime Respect」で知られるDOZAN11(ex 三木道三)が12年の沈黙を破り登場!
どんなLIVEになるのか 今から楽しみです!

日本が世界に誇る世界最高のインストゥルメンタル・トロピカル・ダブ・バンドLITTLE TEMPO(リトルテンポ)が出演決定!!

昨年の頂 -ITADAKI-でも披露された、アーバンでドラマチックな世界観のLIVEでカルト的人気を集めるペトロールズが今年も出演!個性的なメンバーが奏でる、ひとつひとつの音が消える瞬間までを意識下に置いた様な素敵な演奏にご期待く ださい。

キャンプインだけが体感できる人気ステージ、MOON STAGE -Midnight Landing-では、「ピタゴラスイッチ」など、テレビやラジオでもお馴染みのインストバンド「栗コーダーカルテット」の二人と、カーペンターズ級のエヴァーグリーンな演奏で人気のアコースティックユニット「ビューティフルハミングバード」の2組のアーティストが頂 -ITADAKI-のスペシャルユニットとして出演!!

そしてMOON STAGEには天性のスモーキーな歌声で聴く人の心を引き寄せる福岡発の19歳、藤原さくらも出演!ドラマ「学校のカイダン」の挿入歌として使用された楽曲「Just one girl」で彼女の歌声を聴いた人も多いはず。お楽しみに!

頂 -ITADAKI- 2015
at 静岡 吉田公園特設ステージ

【 第三弾発表 出演アーティスト 】
PJ&Peace Joint Band feat.Leyona、PAPA U-GEE、DOZAN11(ex三木道三)

[ MOON STAGE -Midnight Landing- ]

【 出演決定アーティスト 】

KEMURI / GOMA & The Jungle Rhythm Section / 渋さ知らズオーケストラ

BEGIN / 中納良恵 from EGO-WRAPPIN’

…and many more!



頂 -ITADAKI- 2015
​ Third Artist Line​ Up AND Visual Artist Announcement!


​Again, sorry to have kept you waiting!
We bring you to the third announcement ​of artists to play this years 頂 -ITADAKI- 2015!​

But before that, let us present to you the official visual artist for 頂 -ITADAKI- 2015​!
Staying true to their work from last year, it is Shizuoka’s very own, KRAK!

And now for the performers!
In 2006, this musician was selected as one of the ‘Top ten creators in the world​.’ In 2009 he was chosen as one of ‘The top 100 Japanese the world respects.’ Now TAKAGI MASAKATSU will be performing for 頂 -ITADAKI-​ in a band piece. ​You do not want to miss this valuable performance by TAKAGI MASAKATSU, a man who has traveled the world in search for music’s origin.

Next, we have the beautiful and caressing voice of singer ANN SALLY!
​Despite a career as a licensed doctor as well, the transparent and caressing voice of the slender ANN SALLY which landed her the theme song for the movie Wolf Children, and put her name in the charts will be echoing through the crowd at 頂 -ITADAKI-.

Continuing on, we have the charm of 頂 -ITADAKI-​ that can be found no where else. This Japanese Reggae pioneer needs honestly no introduction. However, we must. It’s PJ. This year, featuring the one and only, female vocalist LEYONA, who always creates good healthy vibes for the whole venue just by being there. With them, broadcasting straight out of Shizuoka, the Reggae trailblazer PAPA U-Gee! Last but not least, adding to the performance, you know him for his hit single Lifetime Respect,​we have DOZAN11 (formally known as Miki Dozan). What do they have in store for us this year?!?!

​Next up, we bring to you, Japan’s AND the world’s greatest​ ​instrumental tropical dub band, LITTLE TEMPO!!
Melt, as the melody of steel drums dances over a base of reggae and dub to create an unparalleled performance just for you at the special stage of Shizuoka’s YOSHIDA park.

​Coming back again after rocking last years 頂 -ITADAKI-, get ready for the urban and dramatic performance of PETROLZ, the band that is gaining popularity with a momentum that can only be described as cult-like. With originally talented members like NAGAOKA RYOSUKE, the guitarist from Tokyo Jihen, you can truly look forward to every single sound until it disappears.

For the performances on the MOON STAGE -Midnight Landing-​ that only those staying in the CAMP AREAs can enjoy​, we are proud to introduce two members from KURICORDER QUARTET, famous for their song for ‘PITAGORASWITCH’ that is often played on TV and the radio, as well as the popular acoustic unit BEAUTIFUL HUMMINGBIRD, that has an “evergreen” feeling on a Carpenters level. These two groups are coming together to create a beautiful moment as a special unit this year at 頂 -ITADAKI-

​Also, for the MOON STAGE, we have the genius smokey voice that plucks at your heart strings, the 19 year old FUJIWARA SAKURA, straight out of Fukuoka. Her song Just One Girl, picked up for the TV drama Gakkou No Kaidan, is sure to have reached the ears of many. If you haven’t heard yet, you’re in for a treat!​.​


頂 -ITADAKI- 2015
at ​The Main Stage of YOSHIDA PARK, Shizuoka

【 The Third Artist Line Up Announcemen 】
PJ&Peace Joint Band feat.Leyona、PAPA U-GEE、DOZAN11(formally known as MIKI DOZAN)

[ MOON STAGE -Midnight Landing- ]

【 Other Booked Artists ​】
KEMURI / GOMA & The Jungle Rhythm Section / 渋さ知らズオーケストラ

BEGIN / 中納良恵 from EGO-WRAPPIN’

…and many more!


Look forward to the fourth artists line up announcement coming in mid April!!!!​


ボランティア スタッフ募集!
Looking for Volunteers!


今年も最高の空間を一緒に創り上げてくれる仲間、ボランティア スタッフを募集しています!

頂 -ITADAKI-は、多くのボランティア スタッフの協力により運営されています。


頂 -ITADAKI-が創られていく過程を内側からじっくり体験したり


さらに、今年はボランティア参加者に「頂 -ITADAKI- ×BEAMS コラボ STAFF Tシャツ」をプレゼント。
頂 -ITADAKI- 2015を駆け抜けた仲間たちと乾杯しましょう。


頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 ボランティアスタッフ募集

As we do every year, we are asking for your help in creating a most incredible space here at ITADAKI!
(Thank you for those who have offered your help already!)

頂 -ITADAKI- is made possible by the support of our brilliant volunteer staff.
(Every year there are roughly 100 ‘Day volunteers’ who choose to lend their time and energy.)
Would you like to help make these two days of music a happy memory and experience for the guests, performers and all others involved?

By volunteering you will be able to make new music loving friends and get an in depth look at how 頂 -ITADAKI- is put together form the inside. You just might even find that something you’ve been looking for.

Though the tasks use mind and body and you are sure to tire physically, the sense of fulfilment and accomplishment at the end is something irreplaceable.

There are many who volunteer for the first time, and many are often alone, so no need to think twice!
Your will also receive, as a show of appreciation, a 頂 -ITADAKI- x BEAMS collaborative STAFF T SHIRT!

Plus, you will have the privilege of attending the after party held a few days later (Look forward to the surprise guest concert!) and have the chance to give a cheers to the friends who made it through 頂 -ITADAKI- 2015.

Please take your time in reading the details on the VOLUNTEER page.
We await the surge of applications!

*Keep in mind that we will stop accepting volunteers once we have reached our limit.

頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 Looking for Volunteers!