
ボランティア スタッフ募集!
Looking for Volunteers!


今年も最高の空間を一緒に創り上げてくれる仲間、ボランティア スタッフを募集しています!

頂 -ITADAKI-は、多くのボランティア スタッフの協力により運営されています。


頂 -ITADAKI-が創られていく過程を内側からじっくり体験したり


さらに、今年はボランティア参加者に「頂 -ITADAKI- ×BEAMS コラボ STAFF Tシャツ」をプレゼント。
頂 -ITADAKI- 2015を駆け抜けた仲間たちと乾杯しましょう。


頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 ボランティアスタッフ募集

As we do every year, we are asking for your help in creating a most incredible space here at ITADAKI!
(Thank you for those who have offered your help already!)

頂 -ITADAKI- is made possible by the support of our brilliant volunteer staff.
(Every year there are roughly 100 ‘Day volunteers’ who choose to lend their time and energy.)
Would you like to help make these two days of music a happy memory and experience for the guests, performers and all others involved?

By volunteering you will be able to make new music loving friends and get an in depth look at how 頂 -ITADAKI- is put together form the inside. You just might even find that something you’ve been looking for.

Though the tasks use mind and body and you are sure to tire physically, the sense of fulfilment and accomplishment at the end is something irreplaceable.

There are many who volunteer for the first time, and many are often alone, so no need to think twice!
Your will also receive, as a show of appreciation, a 頂 -ITADAKI- x BEAMS collaborative STAFF T SHIRT!

Plus, you will have the privilege of attending the after party held a few days later (Look forward to the surprise guest concert!) and have the chance to give a cheers to the friends who made it through 頂 -ITADAKI- 2015.

Please take your time in reading the details on the VOLUNTEER page.
We await the surge of applications!

*Keep in mind that we will stop accepting volunteers once we have reached our limit.

頂 -ITADAKI- 2015 Looking for Volunteers!